Dear readers, I have just eaten a thick slice of crusty bread with butter and lemon curd. Although I could devote an entire post to Things I Love to Spread on Bread, I won't. I'm here on business. See below.
This is a business man with his enormous business phone. I unearthed them last week in boxes unopened since childhood. I don't remember making the phone, but the inspiration for the business man was his fantastic button. "What would Mr. Henry look like?" I must have asked myself before proceeding to cut out his lapels. (Like Donald Draper with a smile and no shoes, apparently.)
The other bit of business to cover is this: the winner from last week's Postcard Quiz is Kate! Please email me at pencildrawn(at)gmail(dot)com with your address and a description of your dream postcard, Kate. I will post a picture of it here once I have completed it.