Thursday, January 27, 2011


In college I met a weird kid named Vinod who, knowing I'd been born in the Soviet Union, would interrogate me endlessly about all of the Russian writers I hadn't read and the Russian composers I'd never listened to. I've read lots of Russian writers since, but of course I've lost touch with Vinod and can't give him my opinions now.

Over the weekend I was going through some things, and I found this fantastic box of dinosaurs he gave me when he graduated.
There was a time when all you had to do was mention Vinod's name to get a good conversation going about his many marvelous oddities. Now, only a few far-flung friends remember him, and I never hear his name. All I have left of him are these dinosaurs and the soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange, which I either borrowed or stole from him. I don't remember. Henceforth I will refer to these dinosaurs as Vinod's Legacy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

One year

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Monster

My first sketchbook page of the year. (Earliest prototype seen here.)